Contact Us

The OneAmerica Tower features on-site Leasing and Management Services by Cushman & Wakefield. The building operates 24-hours per day, every day of the year and is staffed by over 35 dedicated personnel.
One American Square Indianapolis,
IN 46282
General Inquiries: (317) 285-1333 Leasing Inquiries: (317) 639-0515 Security: (317) 285-1384 Parking Office: (317) 636-0215
Leasing Contacts

Building Management Contacts

Have a visitor?
Please enter all visitor requests in CloudGate if your remote employees, visitors, or vendors require “as-needed” access. Visitors will be asked to present a photo I.D. and confirm their destination in the building.
Have a maintenance or security request?
Tenants can report and track maintenance requests online, or they can call the building management office at (317) 285-1333 for assistance. For security, please call (317) 285-1384.
Send Us a Message
Let us know how we can help you. We’ll respond promptly.
Alternatively, you may call us at (317) 285-1333 and we can assist you immediately.